Thank you for coming to my  portfolio site, and coming here to learn a little about me and my background. I grew up in Westminster, Maryland, a small rural town in the suburbs of Baltimore City. Both my mother and my father grew in or around Baltimore, with my father spending most of his life in Essex and my mom growing up in Hydes. My families rich history there started with my Great-Grandfathers on both sides being immigrants from their respective countries. My fathers family being from Germany, with my mothers being from the Czech Republic. My families have always known hard work, and have always had to work to get where they are today. I've learned from that and have kept those same principles with me to work towards my next goal.
Aside from my values my interest in design snowballed from my interest in art, art has always been important in my life and was something that I had always done as a hobby or in school. This slowly got me involved with Adobe, and soon other computer programs and technology. Soon enough I found myself taking graphic design classes in high school, and then  college. I've always had a passion for nature, growing up in a rural area certainly attributed to that. That same part of my life inspired me to be a boy scout, and climb the ranks to become an  Eagle Scout. I enjoy outdoor activities, spending time with girlfriend, family, and friends, as well as playing video games and reading. 
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